Design works if it’s authentic, inspired, and has a clear point of view. Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present. We must look for ways to be an active force in our own lives. We must take charge of our own destinies, design a life of substance and truly begin to live our dreams. This passion is what i would like to share with all the enthusiastic appreciators.



Some might still think that interior designers are not important. Interior design is not just about the looks of the buildings interior. Well, it is but it also plays the key role in its functionality because even the largest house can lack space if having a poor interior design, while a tiny apartment can be transformed into a cosy residence with enough space for just about everything with the right design and the use.
Interior design is much more important than it may seem at a first glance and can be easily compared with the importance of architecture, at least when it comes to interior. Hiring an interior designer is therefore more than just a good idea if building a new house or remodelling/renovating the existing one. Think about it but take plenty of time before you make your final decision because the interior of your home should not only look good but also needs to be functional.



Today, as an interior designer, we believe to have a responsibility in our work with integrity. That means respecting the environment in every sense of the word: using craftsmen whose work is true to their art forms, working with sustainable materials, using vintage furnishings or choosing high end products that are honestly produced and made. Design is a constant challenge to balance comfort with luxe, the practical with the desirable. Since 1996, we provide national and international clients with our creativity. The playful approach to the requirements of customers sometimes leads to quite amazing results. Not for nothing, some awards we call our own.